Simple Task Board
- Version: 2.2.2
- Author: Oscar Dias
- Website:
A simple task board to help managing software projects. It lets you create multiple users and associate them with different projects. Inside each project you can create multiple tasks.
It is developed in PHP and uses the CodeIgniter Framework. Since version 2.0 it also uses Twitter Bootstrap.
Create the database using db/create.sql, place the files in your server and update the following:
- application/config/config.php: update $config['base_url'] with your url.
- application/config/database.php: update your database information.
- .htaccess in your root folder: update /task_board/index.php with your URL.
- enable mod_rewrite in your Apache server.
Run <server>/install (replace <server> with your localhost or domain/folder).
If you have any problems let me know.
Github Integration
This feature is still a work in progress. But you can login using Github. You need to create your application in and fill the details in application/config/oauth.php.
Once again, if you have any problems let me know.
Next updates
I plan to update some portions of this application in the following months. Currently these are the features to be developed:
- Github integration: get commit messages and sync issues (if possible).
- Pagination: paginate tasks in the dashboard and the list of users.
- Send emails: When a task is associated with a different user and Periodic email notifying used about his tasks
- ... if you have any ideas, let me know ...
- Github login: you need to have the same email in Github and Simple Task Board. Also don't forget to create your application in and fill the details in application/config/oauth.php.
- Bug fixes: fix errors in priority helper, fix error in empty due date.
- Task due date: field for due date added to tasks - indicates when the task is late.
- Task board updates: few changes to the task board.
- Bug fixes: removed old files and database fields.
- Moving tasks: when a task changes pahse the app asks for a new user and a comment.
- Bootstrap redesign fixes: fixed wrong active buttons in the menu and included the button to show/hide global tasks/user tasks
- Twitter Bootstrap: app totally redesigned using Twitter Bootstrap
- TinyMCW: included TinyMCE editor to improve text editing
- Hide Task in Parent List: When editing a task, it shouldn’t appear in the Parent dropdown, otherwise it can be its own parent.
- Show Parent Task: In the taskboard it needs to show the parent task name as well, otherwise two tasks can have the same name and be hard to identify.
- Completed Tasks: Order finished tasks by most recent updated to the older one.
- Convert Line Breaks into HTML: Use nl2br to convert descriptions.
- User Profiles: user profiles were added, with a button where the user can ad hist photo, name and social media links (Twitter, Facebok, Linkedin…)
- Validation: added rules for other fields, in order to enable the set_value function.
- Buttons CSS: changes in the buttons CSS with the inclusion of tag.
- Task Duration: updated in order to save the user.
- Task History: functionality to display the complete history of a task.
- Bug fix: projects, tasks and users could be created with empty information. This was fixed with the addition of a form validation for required fields.
- Task Duration: display total task duration in the task board and in the task view.
- Timer: functionality to stop/continue tracking the time.
- Task history: track what happens with the tasks and how long it takes in each phase.
- Database update: updates in tables task and task_comments inclusion of foreign keys creation of table task_history
- User levels: implement level verification to allow the correct functionalities to each level.
- Database update: creation of routine to update the database automatically.
- Task comments: add comments in each task.
- Database upgrade logic.
- General bug fixes.
- First version